Poetry, Subjects & Themes, Death, Grief, Loss
The Sentient Error
by Cory Aitken
As humans, we are made up of so many things we understand as “self.” We fear death and resist the inevitability of change. We want what we cannot have, what cannot be, instead of what is and what must be. We live in contradiction. In The Sentient...
crash & bloom
A poetry collection of grief & gratitude by Sara Machnik
mama, am I going to make it, is it going to be okay will I lose my breasts, my hair, my eyelashes will I lose my identity, femininity, my dignity will I recognize myself in mirrors, in photos, in memories who will I become if I no longer look...
Calling a Spade a Spade
Poetry & Prose by Kaitlyn Sanders
In this original collection of poetry and prose, author Kaitlyn Sanders reflects in depth on love and relationships, individual growth and self-love, grief, loss, hope and healing. Over the course of this collection, Sanders generates a diverse...
The Black, The White, and The Grey
A journey through depression, with a light at the end of the tunnel by J.M. Taylor
Are you proud of where you come from, Are you proud of what you’ve done? Do you linger alone, living in your past, Or are you proud of how far you’ve come? (“Proud,” p. 123) For some of us, life is not easy, right from the jump. What seems so...
Beyond the Gate
Poetry and Photography by Doug Jordan and Sidney Shapira
When the world amazes and words fail the rest of us, true poets step up to capture such moments forever, and then hold them up for the consideration, edification, and enjoyment of others … like precious gems best viewed from multiple angles. The...
Excerpts From a Book Untitled
by Owen Cornell
Our lives are a collection of moments that accumulate over time, flowing one into the next. When we experience those moments as deeply as possible, and learn from them, we grow, and we change. Struggling to find where you belong. Looking for love...
Distorted Happiness
by Neha Khanna
Written over the last four years during a time of global isolation, personal addiction, romantic trials and internal insights; it's an expression of darkness, hurt, love and anticipated light. May it bring you some comfort in knowing someone else...
Memories of Me
by Andrea Pomeroy
Although as you read you feel a little of my pain know all things a bit broken can be made whole and beautiful again. Memories of Me is a collection of both rhyming and free verse poetry written as a way of coping with and understanding life’s...
Inner Flames
by J. Kichuk
Inner Flames is a collection of poems written in a time of deep realization. Inspired by both the real and the imaginary, the poems touch deep in the heart and ask questions about the way things are, have always been, or can be. They are a...
Upon the Token Grass
Musings & Inspirational Experiences of a Jamaican Poet by James T. Golding
A captivating collection of deeply personal yet intensely relatable poems, Upon the Token Grass: Musings and Inspirational Experiences of a Jamaican Poet, captures the past thirty years of the author’s life experiences triumphs and tragedies...